2 way ultra sick gorenoise splatterpeice! Gnathostomiasmichydrocaphalodysmorphia is: Nekralkaholik - gargling vomits/organ blaster. GxFx is Klyve- undocumented operations/vomitflux. Released on FermentedNoiseSplatter Records limited to 5 copies.
Sunday, 9 January 2022
2 way ultra sick gorenoise splatterpeice! Gnathostomiasmichydrocaphalodysmorphia is: Nekralkaholik - gargling vomits/organ blaster. GxFx is Klyve- undocumented operations/vomitflux. Released on FermentedNoiseSplatter Records limited to 5 copies.
Tuesday, 4 January 2022
2 man goregrind sickness since 2019!!! For true pathogrinders!!! HxSx is: Sordid K - guitar. Klyve M - drums and vomits. Download for free here ------
Also check out more AxUx :
2 man blown out colon gorenoise. 33 untitled trax. IxCxOxMxPxMx is: T+Z - subbass molestation/urine/feces. Klyve m - mechanospasms/inflamed flatulence. Download the sickness here -----
Also on Youtube:
2 man drum and vox gorenoise brutality. Klyve - torso fermentation. Kevyn - liquid vomits. Download the sickness for free here -----
4th demo of surgical enterohemorrhagic gorenoise carnage!!! One man gorenoise brutality. All vomit therapy/tumescent decay/autopsy butchery by Klyve m. Download for free here --------
2 way stenchy infectious postpartum putridity!!! Hydroencephalocystocele is: Kevyn M - malignant stomach oxidizor/offal putrescence. Bloater Odour is - Dr. Offal Ingurgitator MD AKA Klyve - bloated pancreatic pustules/larva excretor. Download the sickness here -------
2 man blasting gorenoise rampage! Blaron - human flesh buzzsaw and vomit influxing. Klyve - erupting gastrointestinal cysts/programming. Download the demo for free here ------------
Download for free here ------https://www.mediafire.com/file/9mqwu2i62b1ddr0/IxEx+-+Ward+of+Mutilated+Morgue+Scraps+demo.rar/file
3 way stoner gorenoise split with 3 of the most brutal gorenoise acts of the year. Hydrocephalocystocele is: Kevyn - all brutal gore bubbles and dab rig necrosis. FxFxWxAxBxUxIxDxCxOxMxTxWxFxOxDxAx is Klyve - all shitnoise regurgitations. SxCxRx is: Slam W. - lowfi sewage/septic diarrhea spurts.
Pure THC & GORE & SICKNESS Worship, Smoke the fuck up and destroy your eardrums with harsh shitnoise!!!
Download the sickness here -----------https://www.mediafire.com/file/yuxcdaszgofktmt/Hx+-+SxCxRx+-+FxFxFxWxAxBxUxIxDxCxOMxTxWxFxOxDxAx+3+way+split.rar/file
2 way influx of human garbage and medical noise waste!!! CxGxTxFx is: Klyve - putrefactive programming/sewage vocals. CxFx is: Seizure Greg - all laporotomies/infant gore experiments/programming. DESTROY MUSIC IN THE NAME OF GORE.
Download for free here ----- https://www.mediafire.com/file/qhjzwi5gaoq6sm8/CxGxTxFx+-+CxFx+split.rar/file
Monday, 3 January 2022