
Friday, 28 August 2020

OVARIOLEUKODYSTROPHY - "Thoracoabdominal Infection Sequence secondary to Haemolytic Agenesis" Demo #3
one man gorenoise project from canada. ovarioleukodystrophy is klyve - necrotic adiopocere/carved up child carcasses/gastrosciesis seepage. Download the sickness ----

Monday, 17 August 2020

 OVARIOLEUKODYSTROPHY / LOBOTOMIES ON RETARDED BRAINDEAD FETUSES 2 Way                                                                                     Split

2 way nasty gorenoise split. Both projects are klyve m. - subcutaneous foetal lacerations/infant dysmorphic defects/innards splatter of postgestational fetal sarcodosis. Download the full split sickness here -------------