MACROPHAGIC PARATUBERCULOSIS MYOFASCIITIS - "Surgically assisted biopsy of coagulated innards and coronary arteries" Demo
2 man gorenoise project from Sweden and Canada. MxPxMx is: Gore infected Pus - programming and noise. Klyve L - vox. 2nd demo of gorefilth sewage! Download for free -
Saturday, 24 February 2018
Thursday, 15 February 2018
STROMAL MYOMA - "Pelvic Artery Embolization following Submucosal Hysteroscopic Fibroid Recurrence in Adenocarcinoma of Cervical Gonadoblstoma Neoplasm" Demo
Third demo of one man gorenoise project SxMx. SxMx is - Klyve: all infected lesions of pathological corpse incisions/bilevomit. Free download -
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
CUTANEOUS MASTOCYTOSIS ERUPTION - Skeletal Decomposing of an Cancerous Human EP
2 man patho gorenoise project from Sweden & Canada. CxMxEx is..Klyve - untuned butyric bassnoise. Ivar M. - cadaver sewage vox and putrefied drum programming. Download for free!